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A page for professionals from community safety, health, housing, legal, police, probation, social care, third sector or other organisations working with customers whose homes have ceased to be suitable and whose current housing circumstances cannot be improved.  These may be customers with capacity or without.

Customers not yet registered with Homes4Wiltshire

In light of the high demand for social rented homes, our team will wish to explore whether circumstances in the present home can be improved to enable the customer to remain there.  Whilst we administer the council's choice-based lettings scheme, we can give advice about alternatives too.  At present, the demand on the service is high in light of the continuing coronavirus pandemic.  We are all experiencing similar pressure and wish to work with you to achieve the best possible housing circumstances for your customer whether it is social rented housing or another solution.

To contact us, please click this text for our professional inquiries page (opens in a new tab).  We seek to respond within 3 working days.  If the matter is more urgent, please call 0300 456 0104, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday.  We will automatically record your details, subject to the council's data protection responsibilities, on the file of the customer concerned.  If you have any questions about our use of data, please click this text for our Privacy Policy.

Please note that if a customer with capacity is homeless or threatened with homelessness within 56 days, and you believe they are not known to the council, it is important to contact the council’s homelessness service in the first instance under the Duty to Refer using the Duty to Refer Form.  If you have a homeless customer without capacity for whom you are seeking housing assistance, please follow the link to the professional inquiries page above.

Customers already registered for re-housing with Homes4Wiltshire

If there is a change of circumstances which cannot be communicated to the service via the customer's Homes4Wiltshire account, please use your existing contact details for the Homes4Wiltshire service or click this text for our professional inquiries page (opens in a new tab).

If there is a home in the present bidding cycle for which a bid needs to be placed for your customer, and difficulty is being experienced in placing it, please call 0300 456 0104, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday.

If you are supporting your customer in making an appeal against a housing needs assessment decision or a decision by the council not to consider the customer for a Wiltshire Council home only, please click this text for our professional inquiries page (opens in a new tab).

Where the matter relates to a decision by a landlord to decline to consider your client for a home, please contact the lettings manager at the particular landlord.  Each of the landlord's websites has contact details for the organisation.